Monday, April 26, 2010

Time to start all over

This blog is gonna mostly be about poker, but may have some personal stuff as well.

So I just cashed out my account for the lion's share so I can take care of some legal issues. When I first started I had $50 and ran it up to about $600. This time I left $25 left in it. The last time I had a HUGE downswing was playing PLO 5/10 deep, and I lost a lot. But this time is different. Instead of 10plo deep, it will be 2plo reg, and instead of 3 tables it will be 8+. My biggest leak was staying on tables too long when I was up huge losing a huge pot and tilting the rest off. Now I am going to drop the table and start a new one as soon as I double up. PLO is known for being super swingy and seeing as I am a super bankroll nit this is uncharacteristic for me. I should have 75-100 buy ins to be rolled, instead I have 20. I'm pretty confident in my game at this level and if I can work out a few leaks and keep mass tabling to prevent tilt I should be able to run it up to $100 w/rakeback then I can decide if I want to start playing 6max $2 SNGs which is what I'm probably best at, or move up in PLO. Regardless I will be working with a coach over the summer to learn how to make some serious cash playing NLH 90-180 man SNGs.

Full Tilt just moved my table limit up to 16 so I'm going back to the tables.

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