Monday, April 26, 2010


These are my goals for 2010
-Beat 2PLO 16 tabling
-Build Bankroll to $250 at 2PLO then move to 5PLO
-10 Table 5PLO and consistently beat it with a 4bb/100 win rate
-Get a Hold'em SNG coach, and PLO 6max cash game coach
- Place 1st at least once in the $2 180/90 mans
-Consistently beat the 6/9man $6.60 SNGs w/20%ROI
-Get 2 books on PLO
-Review sessions, and post at least 1 hand per session

This may change especially since I should be beating 10PLO by decemember, but since I'm going to be in school year round it may not be possible.

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