Monday, May 3, 2010


Things are looking good so far. Finally able to handle 16 tables at 2nl with no problems. Play is so bad there I should be able to run my bankroll up pretty high before I move to 5nl. I've given up on PLO for the time being since it's tough to make alot of money since it's so swingy and I tilt easily. My goal is to play 30k hands @ 2nl and if my bankroll is over $250 then I will move up to 5nl. This shouldn't be too difficult since I can easily play 4k hands a day no sweat. Other than a rocky session yesterday, I'm still running @ 11 bb/100 after 11k hands with rake back, I'm sitting on a cool $125. After cashing out all but $25 last week I'm happy with my progress, pretty much all of it is from playing cash which has frequently been a major weak spot in my game.

Cash games have always tilted me like crazy, but a few things I've done to eliminate the tilt is multi table, turn off avatars, turn off chat, take breaks every hour, play no more than 1k hands per session, still trying to stop monitoring my cashier cause that is a HUGE source of tilt, and win. Bad beats don't bother me anymore if I've doubled up on 8 tables and take bad beats on 3 tables. Chris and I had talked about understanding that in ring games, money value is pointless to recognize, rather measure your progress in Big Blinds versus cash value. Another HUGE adjustment I've made to my game is my bet sizing. I've been making sure to squeeze every last penny out of these fish by value betting and bluffing in every spot possible. My cbet is almost %100 since these guys play so badly they are easy and hard to bluff. I'll post a perfect example once I can find the hand history.

Lastly since I need 1. a car, 2. a loud ass sound system, I'm going to move to the $2 180 mans once I build my roll up to $350-400 which shouldn't been too hard if I can keep playing well and not be retarded.

Anyways I have a hand I want to post up soon, once I can find the HH.

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