Friday, May 7, 2010

Everything seems to be going well, I hit a bump when I drank 3 40's and 16 tabled, also running into 5 flopped sets when I have AA, or KK and it all goes in on the flop can get expensive. Also had 3 gut shots caught against me when I had a set, or overpair. I think it had little to do with the booze and mostly running bad. I'm still playing 9bb/1oo so I'm not too upset. My roll is at $140 since I got a nice chunk of rake back today and a good session. Overall I'm happy especially since I've been playing without reads since my HEM was messed up, I've finally fixed it today so I can get back to making reads and posting up hands.

15k more hands at 2nl, lets hope I can hit 250 by then....

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