Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Let Em Have It

Got 118 games under my belt, and things are looking good with a %21 ROI and 11% ITM. Today was break even but I'm up from the last two sessions. Coaching is going good, lots of cool concepts, working on getting the feel for mid stage play with like 100-60 ppl left, here I have a tendency to slow down when I should keep pushing the envelop. Unless I'm in top 4 I really shouldn't worry about busting. So far my super aggressive style seems to be successful, but there are still tons of spots I'm unfamiliar with. Luckily its very easy and convenient to review hand histories with Chris since he's online quite often. I'm still not sure about all my shoves but I'm starting to get comfortable. One thing I have done well is making good decisions with correct odds, so I hope to continue doing so.

Spots to work on:
- NEW - Opening CO Ranges Up
- NEW - Calling Ranges
- NEW - Effectively raising all in without being all in
- NEW - Targeting small stacks with big stacks in between

-Playing From The BB
-Coming Over the Top of Limpers
-Playing Against UTG Limps, and UTG Minraises
-Opening SB, BB, BTN Ranges Up
-Money Bubble Play-Final Table Bubble Play
-Final Table Play & Accounting for ICM
-Playing Around Big Stacks

Heres my graf, unfortunately the original $-60 was from a previous deposit before I moved back, but its no biggie.

If all goes well I should be mass tabling and crushing these games by the end of this summer, August 28th.

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